Competition 2024

Eighth International Piano Competition “Andrei Stoyanov”
November 14 – 17, 2024, Sofia

A. Stoyanov
“If music is existing only for simple enjoyment without further influence on people, I never would agree to waste my time with it. I find that music has a much higher purpose.
Therefore I decided to work and sow this sacred art in our dear homeland Bulgaria.”

A. Stoyanov

The eighth edition of the competition, dedicated to the pianist, pedagogue, composer, philosopher, music critic and theorist ANDREY STOYANOV, introduces innovations in its regulations. This eighth edition gives the opportunity to participate live or online – by sending recordings pre-uploaded to the global network You tube. Participants are required to indicate their choice in the application form.

In addition to an emphasis on the works of the patron of the competition, special attention will be paid to the world anniversaries of Pancho Vladigeroff, Lyubomir Pipkov, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. As before, special prizes will be awarded for the performance of their works. A special prize will be awarded in the name of Prof. Dr. Rostislav Yovchev. The presence in the program of a special group for piano ensembles, which gives young pianists the unique opportunity to communicate with each other through the resources of music, also proved successful.

We will try to continue with the “Vienna” award founded in 2016 – an invitation to participate in a concert. The award gives the laureates chosen by the jury the opportunity to perform in various cities in Europe, supported by our partners.


  1. Both amateur pianists (graduates of music schools, private teachers, music classes at general education schools, etc.) and students in specialized art schools (groups I-VI) can participate in the competition.
  2. The international jury of the competition is composed of eminent Bulgarian and foreign pianists. A member of the jury has no right to vote for his student participating in the competition.
  3. First prize winners from previous editions of the competition are not allowed to participate in the same group from which they have a prize.
  4. It is possible for a candidate from the amateur group to appear in a group for candidates from specialized music institutions, as well as in a higher age group, considering the repertoire and duration of the program to the requirements of the higher age group.
  5. Applicants applying online are required to provide a recording made without editing. The video must be made no earlier than 15.07.2024.

Dates and place:
Online and in person: by submitting a request to participate by October 29, 2024.
Announcement of results on 16 November 2024.

Events with audience presence:

  • Official opening of the competition – November 14, 2024, 6 p.m.:
    Hall of the Community and Cultural center “Acad. Andrey Stoyanov” – 2003 (map)
  • Auditions of candidates – 14-16 November 2024
    Hall of the Community and Cultural center “Acad. Andrey Stoyanov” – 2003 (map)
  • Award ceremony and concert of the laureates – 17 November 2024, 11.30 a.m.
    NMA Hall “Prof. P. Vladigerov” (map)

Piano solo (all groups except VIb)
a) a piece by A. Stoyanov
b) free chosen works
Note: The amateur program pieces could also be performed with a score.

Group VIb (specialized music institutions)
a) Andrey Stoyanov – a piece or part of Sonatina
b) First movement of Sonata by L. v. Beethoven (without Op. 49 No. 1 and 2), Op. 53, Op. 57, Op. 81a and the last five sonatas)
c) free program

Piano ensembles
a) free chosen works
Note: The pieces from the ensemble program have to be played with a score.

In the present 2024 we mark the following anniversaries:

  • 125 years since the birth of Pancho Vladigeroff,
  • 120 years since the birth of Lyubomir Pipkov,
  • 215 years since the birth of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdi.

The participants in the competition may include in their free chosen program works by the listed composers, for the best performance of which special cash prizes will be distributed.



All contestants will receive diplomas for participation. The prize winners (first, second and third prize) of each group will receive medal and cash or non-cash prizes.



a) Piano solo

GroupYears oldMax duration / minutes
IUp to 7, born after 31.10.20175
IIUp to 9, born between 1.11.2015 – 31.10 20178
IIIUp to 11, born between 1.11.2013 – 31.10.201510
IVUp to 13, born between 1.11.2011 – 31.10.201312
Va *, ***Up to 15, born between 1.11.2009 – 31.10.201115
Vb **Up to 15, born between 1.11.2009 – 31.10.201117
VIa *, ***Up to 19, born between 1.11.2005 – 31.10.200917
VIb **Up to 19, born between 1.11.2005 – 31.10.200920
VIIa *Up to 25, born between 1.11.1999 – 31.10.200520
VIIb ***Up to 25, born between 1.11.1999 – 31.10.200520
VIII ****Without limitation (over 25 years old)20

* students outside music schools
** participants studying in specialized music institutions
*** participants who study in specialized music institutions, but the piano is not their main instrument
**** non-professionals

b) Piano ensembles (two or more participants), without age limit – The duration of the performed program – according to the age of the performers, but no more than 15 min.



Documents can be submitted until October 29, 2024 using the request form on the website.

The following documents should be attached:

  1. Photo of the participant in good resolution
  2. Official note from the school where the participant is studying, indicating the exact date of birth.
  3. Link to a complete recording of the competition program in the group in which the candidate participates, uploaded to the global platform YouTube, written under the listed pieces in the “Program” section of the registration form.
  4. Bank statement for paid registration fee of Euro 30 for a solo piano, or Euro 50 for the whole ensemble.

Account for payment by bank transfer:
Municipal Bank,
IBAN – BG10SOMB91301028616501, BIC – SOMBBGSF,
In the import note, the reason for payment – “Participation in a competition” and the name of the participant.
For information: Contacts.



Community and Cultural center “Academic Andrey Stoyanov”
62 Iskar str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria (map)



Additional Info:
tel: +359 894 377409
All the information, or scores you need, could be found on the official site of the “Andrei Stoyanov” Community and Music Center and e-mail
