“Andrei Stoyanov” Community
and Music Center with the partnership of
National Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov”
and Sofia Municipality “Oborishte” District under the patronage of Mayor Y. Fikirliyska
VI International PIANO Competition

“The noblest service of the art is to lead the human progress toward sensible, harmonious and happy life.
…art, which inflames positive emotions and creative spirit and moves people toward more charitable acts in the society.”
“If music is existing only for simple enjoyment without further influence on people, I never would agree to waste my time with it. I find that music has a much higher purpose.
Therefore I decided to work and sow this sacred art in our dear homeland Bulgaria.”
A. Stoyanov
The sixth edition of the competition, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of pianist, pedagogue, composer, philosopher, music critic and theorist ANDREI STOYANOV, introduces novelties in its regulations. The noble piano competition, which aims not only to announce the most worthy winners, but also to inspire love for the highest revelation of this world – the music of the youngest, the children who are yet to build their world! We hope that it is based on spiritual pursuits and affirmation of values that are far from the gross material world, so that one day the world can wake up better.
Such were the ideas of the patron of our competition – Acad. Andrei Stoyanov, unfortunately forgotten by today’s music scene, which sees success through far more superficial and effective achievements, surrounded by well-motivated journalists and brilliant cameras.
But invariably the numerous participation of pianists and their high level shows that the philosophy of Acad. Stoyanov was not so idealistic. Together with them we will be able to promote the music of our patron, which more and more of our contemporaries are rediscovering.
Given the global pandemic of Covid-19, the organizers decided that this sixth anniversary edition will take place online by sending recordings previously uploaded to the world network You tube. In this way we will guarantee the health of the participants, guests and the jury of the competition, and only the awarding will be in the presence of an audience in strict compliance with the prescribed sanitary requirements. We know that this does not replace live performance. at least that the real sound is absent as a quality. To this is added the various recording locations, often with hand tools. But if we have to choose, we chose to keep the competition in the anniversary year, which continues the tradition. We hope that in two years we will meet again in the emotional environment familiar to most of you in the community center “Andrei Stoyanov” among the fallen, but colorful autumn November leaves.
The consistently high level of participants in previous years led to the idea to include pianists from specialized art schools in the competition. Thus, the anniversary edition in 2020. will further expand its reach among young musicians from Bulgaria and abroad. In addition to focusing on the works of the patron of the competition in view of its anniversary, special attention will be paid to world anniversaries — Ludwig van Beethoven, Fr. Chopin and P.I. Tchaikovsky. As before, special prizes will be awarded for the performance of their works. The program also included the presence of a special group for piano ensembles in the program, which gives the unique opportunity for young pianists to communicate with each other through the means of music.
We will try to continue with the “Vienna” award, founded in 2016, which allows the winners selected by the jury to perform in various cities in Europe, supported in the organization by our partners.
In addition to the traditional auditions, this year the organizers include the “Piano” competition – for a literary essay or essay on “What the piano whispers to me”. Volume up to 2000 words, or a computer presentation made in a program of your choice. Volume up to 20 slides. The content should be related to the contribution to the development of musical art and piano creativity of Andrei Stoyanov, Frederic Chopin, Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Ludwig van Beethoven.
Prof. PhD Rostislav Yovchev – artistic director of competition
For the sixth edition of the Andrei Stoyanov Piano Competition we can say that it will be a victory for the spirit of music! We are all participants in the struggle to defend and overcome the difficulties of the reality around us.
Congratulations to all candidates in this competition who have found the courage and strength to follow their aspirations. I believe and wish everyone to realize their dreams and reach new musical horizons.
Let’s keep together the little flame flickering in each participant and turn it into a creative success and a wonderful musical holiday! Good luck!
President of “Academician Andrei Stoyanov-2003” Cultural Centre

- Poster (DOCX, 160 Kb)
- Brochure (PDF, 982 Kb)
- Competition calendar
- Jury
- Organising commitee
- Competition Rules
- Awards
- Competition Groups
- Documents for Participation
- Information
- Final results
- Video
November, 10, 19.30 (EET) – official opening of VI International piano competition “Andrei Stoyanov”, online to You Tube
Concert Rostislav Yovchev, piano, program: pieces by Andrei Stoyanov, NMA “Pancho Vladigerov” hall (map)
November 12 – Results Announcement (competition site)
November 15, 11.30 (EET) – Award Ceremony and concert (details to follow)
Chairman: Evgenia Simeonova – prof., PhD, pianist, piano pedagogue, Vice – Dean of the Theoretical Faculy, NMA “Pancho Vladigerov” – Sofia
Prof. Markus Prause – pianist, piano pedagogue, Private University, Vienna, Austria
Antoaneta Vodenicharova – pianist, piano pedagogue, Music College “Panayot Pipkov”, Pleven, Bulgaria
Rusanna Tashchian – pianist, piano pedagogue, Sofia, Bulgaria
Vesselin Ninoff – pianist, piano pedagogue, New York, Bulgaria-USA
Rostislav Yovchev, prof., PhD, artistical Director of the Competition
Lidya Nikolova-Jekova, President of the Community andCultural Center “Andrei Stoyanov”
Diana Djuranova, chief expert „Education and culture“, Sofia Municipality Oborishte District
Technical support: Valeri Parlikov, Daniel Jekov
Assen Balkanski, site maintenance
Nadezhda Mileva, coordinat
- The VI International Competition “Andrei Stoyanov” is open to all pianists of any age and nationality who study piano privately, at a local music school, in a music program at their regular grade or high school, or at a specialized music institution – pre-college or collegiate (groups I – VI)
Events, open for public:
Opening concert –
recital prof. Rostislav Yovchev, PhD
Pieces by Andrei Stoyanov
Concert hall in National Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” (map), 10.11.2020
Concert of prizewinners –
Concert hall in National Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” (map), 15.11.2020 - Date and location: Online recordings, Uploaded to YouTube, link sent up to 31.10.2020
- The international jury includes well-known pianists and pedagogue from Bulgaria and abroad.
- First Prize Winners of previous editions of the competition will be not allowed to take part in the same group in actual edition.
- It is possible for a candidate from an amateur music institution to take part in a group of specialized music institution or in higher age group, presenting the repertoire and duration of the program with the requirements of the upper age group.
- Competition program
Piano solo (all groups except 6b)
a) obligatory piece from Andrei Stoyanov
b) free chosen works
N.B. The pieces of the solo program could be played with a score (for amateur groups only).
6b groupa) A. Stoyanov – Sonatina
b) L.v. Beethoven – I mov. from piano sonata (except op. 49 N1, 2, op. 53, op. 57, op. 81a and last 5 sonatas)
c) Free chosen works
Piano ensembles
a) free chosen works
N.B. The pieces from the ensemble program have to be played with a score.
The duration of the executed program – depending on the age of the performers, but not more than 15 minutes.
In 2020 the music world celebrates the following anniversaries:
- 130 years from the birth of Andrei Stoyanov,
- 250 years from the birth of L. v. Beethoven,
- 210 years from the birth of Fr. Chopin,
- 180 years from the birth of P. Tchaikovsky.
Contestants may optionally include in their free chosen program works by the above mentioned composers. Special cash prizes will be distributed for the best performance of their works.
All contestants will receive diplomas for participation. The prize winners (first, second and third prize) of each group will receive medal and cash or non-cash prizes.
a) Piano solo
Group | Years old (completed until 31.10.2020) | Max timing / minutes |
Piano solo | ||
1 | Up to 7 | 5 |
2 | Up to 9 | 8 |
3 | Up to 11 | 10 |
4 | Up to 13 | 12 |
5a * | Up to 15 | 15 |
5b ** | Up to 15 | 17 |
6a * | Up to 19 | 17 |
6b ** | Up to 19 | 20 |
7a * | Up to 25 | 20 |
7b *** | Up to 25 | 20 |
8 | No age limit | 20 |
Piano ensembles | No age limit | 15 |
* for those who do not study at specialized music institutions
** for those who study at specialized music institutions
*** for those who study at specialized music institutions, but are not majoring in piano
b) Piano ensembles (two or more participants) – No age limit
1. Special application form, directly uploaded in the site.
The completed application form must be accompanied by the following documents:
- Official document issued by the school (specialized or regular), confirming the participants age and grade
- A picture of the candidate in a good resolution
- A complete and unedited video recording of the contestant’s competition repertoire, uploaded on YouTube, must be submitted with the application. The link to the video must be included underneath the contestant’s selection of pieces in the “Free chosen works” section of the application form. The video recording must be labeled with the contestants full name and competition age group/category.
- Bank document showing transfer of the application fee of 30 euros (for piano solo) and 50 euros (for piano ensemble)
Municipal Bank, IBAN – BG10SOMB91301028616501, BIC – SOMBBGSF
All completed documents must be received until October 31, 2020.
Additional Info:
tel: +359 877 13 51 15, or +359 882443411
All the information, or scores you need, could be found on the official site of the “Andrei Stoyanov” Community and Music Center at https://nchstoianov.com
tel:+359 877 135115, or +359 882 443411 (speaking languages English, French or Spanish)
All the information, or scores you need, could be found on the official site of the “Andrei Stoyanov” Community and Music Center at https://nchstoianov.com, (Contacts page)
III group
Boris Dyulgerov – First prize
Hristisana Haralampieva–Second prize
Christian Hsieh–Second prize
Diliyana Stoyanova – Third prize
Graziela Kanina – Third prize
Konstantin Radev – Encouragment
V group
Viktor Vassilev – First prize
Adriana Kaneva – Second prize
Nadejda Angelova – Second prize
Andreya Mancheva – Second prize
Cyrus Chan (USA) – Third prize
Teodor Manev – Encouragment
VII group
Brenden Jerermy Davis (USA) – First prize
Niya-Sirma Petrova – Second prize
VIII group
Ian McIntosh Roy (Scotland – UK) – First prize
Ivanka Chaparova – Encouragment